Black Friday or Green Friday museums

Black Friday and Green Friday: opportunities for museums

On November 29th it is Black Friday: products and services are offered at a significant discount worldwide. Is Black Friday also an opportunity to let more people experience a museum visit? After all, everyone becomes richer from that. In recent years, there are also quite a few organizations that participate in the counter-movement on Black Friday: Green Friday. These organizations choose the motto consume less on this day. What exactly is the difference? Are you going for Black or Green Friday with your museum? Discover the tips from Museum Marketing and set up an attractive campaign.


Black Friday museums

Black Friday

This year, Black Friday falls on November 29: an opportunity to draw attention to your affordable museum offering so that your museum can also earn a place in the Sinterklaas shoes or under the Christmas tree.



Green Friday

Although many organizations and retail chains always participate in Black Friday, more and more companies are also opting for the sustainable counter-movement, Green Friday. This trend can also offer opportunities for your museum. This Green Friday movement is gaining followers and worldwide attention. Green Friday wants to remind consumers that the purchasing choices they make have an effect on people and the environment. Instead of promoting overconsumption and offering high discounts, stores are closing their doors, focusing on environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives and putting people and the environment in the spotlight. Green Friday is a day on which you mainly don't buy anything. Dutch chains participating in Green Friday include Dille & Kamille, Rituals and Decathlon. Dill & Chamomile closes all their stores and their online store. The entire team will do volunteer work in nature. Rituals gives additional discounts on its sustainable products. Instead of discounts, Decathlon organizes a sports challenge during the entire week preceding Green Friday.

Black Friday and Green Friday for museums

Museums are also jumping on the Black Friday or Green Friday bandwagon. There are many ways to get involved with your museum. We will give you some tips and tricks on how you too can tackle this Black or Green Friday. We are curious which variant you choose.

Are you going for Black Friday?

1. Entice bargain hunters to visit museums
Do you want to tempt bargain hunters with a dose of culture? Then consider an annual card promotion, promoting nice gifts from your museum shop, or a nice package with entrance and catering. A museum can then be a beacon of peace amidst the shopping spree in shopping centers.

2. Promote Museum Card or Museum Pass
Black Friday is a great opportunity to promote the ultimate discount for museums. Most museums are already free to visit all year round because they... Museum card in the Netherlands (450 museums) or the Museum pass in Belgium (220 museums). Put this card in the spotlight during the period around Black Friday. You can also pamper card users extra. This way you encourage people to opt for this special museum card with discounts.

Green Friday museums

Are you going for Green Friday?

1. Open your museum, but close your museum shop
Are you participating in Green Friday? Encourage visitors to come to your museum, but close the museum shop. This way, people can continue to get acquainted with what the museum has to offer, the focus is on the content of your museum.

2. Volunteer with your team
Another option is to close your museum completely like Dille & Kamille and do something else with the team. Help clean the neighborhood or volunteer at a nearby organization. They will be happy with all those extra hands. Do you want to go one step further? Invite visitors to participate via social media. Museum Marketing will help you set up a social media campaign for this promotion.

3. Organize a challenge in the theme of your museum
Do you want to involve visitors and interested parties even more? Organize a challenge related to the theme of your museum or non-profit organization. Think of challenges such as making do with less food or clothes as in the World Wars. Challenge your followers to leave the car at home for a whole week. Or ask them to declutter and give away some of their stuff to the thrift store or charity. Could you use help setting up a fun challenge that is fun and educational for your stakeholders? Museum marketing supports you in devising and communicating an interesting Green Friday campaign.

Also have participants in this campaign communicate about the challenge in their network and on their social media. This is how you create UGC or user generated content. A form of content that has been doing very well lately.

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Communicate your actions and get advice from Museamarketing

Whatever actions you take, tell your target audience through your website, your newsletter and social media channels. This way everyone is informed and your audience is triggered. Start communicating actions in a timely manner.

Join forces with Museamarketing for a successful campaign. We help you with promotions for both Black and Green Friday. Our team of experts helps you communicate your promotion on your website, social media channels, you newsletter and via Google Ads.

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